Ivan's Space

Writing about leadership, management, emotional resiliency, software engineering, tech, gadgets.



We’re running a second dev4good event in collaboration with TheGivingLab.org and Givey this year to bring together talented thinkers, designers and coders from around the UK to work on some real-world issues faced by UK charities. The technology theme for the event is Windows 8, but no prior knowledge of Windows 8 app development is required.

Microsoft will present Windows 8 Developer Overview, showing us the technical perspective. Seren will be next up talking about how to design a great experience on Windows 8. (Full details of these sessions will follow shortly.) TheGivingLab.org, will be sharing charity projects, apps and experiences they’d like inspire you with and sharing learnings from their first tech experiment www.seethedifference.org. We may even work on one of your own ideas – if you’ve got one.

Our goals for the weekend are simple. We want to learn how to create Windows 8 apps that could change the way people live their lives – and then we’re going to spend the rest of the time doing it!

If you are a software developer (on any platform), designer, computing student, or are just interested in help out – then we need you. It’s going to be a real challenge – and sleep will be optional. Are you up for it? If you are, the event page is here.

Remember, this is a not-for-profit event being run by volunteers, so you won’t be paid for the work you do. You will, however, get to meet and work with some of the smartest developers and designers in the UK – all while doing some real good for society.

We’re also looking for sponsorship for this event, so please contact us if you believe you can help in any way.

If you are a UK charity or a community based organisation, then have a look at what we could do for you or contact us directly. Thank you.

We need you help – so spread the word, download our poster and put it up where you work, send it to your friends.

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Ivan Zlatev



Ivan's Space

Writing about leadership, management, emotional resiliency, software engineering, tech, gadgets.

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