Ivan's Space
Writing about leadership, management, emotional resiliency, software engineering, tech, gadgets.
Storing Date and Time in UTC and the definition “Today”
Storing date and times in UTC on the server side is all nice and dandy, however there are a few gotchas, one of which the definition of “Today” when you a dealing with time zones.
PicasaUploader 0.5.4 released
I have just released a new version of my PicasaWeb Uploader tool. This is a maintenance release to fix issues with large video uploads and to port to the new GData API.
Eclipse Colour Theme Extractor Tool
I have published my little tool that extracts just the Eclipse colour theme preferences out of the Eclipse exported preferences here. Usage is pretty simple – point it to an Eclipse preferences file and it will spit out the theme, which you can the import into your workspace without importing...
Custom model binding using IModelBinder in ASP.NET MVC – two gotchas
There are a few blog posts around the web regarding ASP.NET MVC custom model binding, but there are two key pieces of information missing. Just a quick intro – to implement custom model binding in ASP.NET MVC we need to implement the IModelBinder interface: public interface IModelBinder { object BindModel(ControllerContext...
How to import a database schema into SQL Server Express with Visual Studio
Today I needed to import my SQL Server schema into a SQL Server Express instance on a different machine. I only have Visual Studio on this machine and no SQL Server Management Studio installed, so it took me a bit to figure out how to import the schema, so here...