Ivan's Space

Writing about leadership, management, emotional resiliency, software engineering, tech, gadgets.


I have released version 0.5 of PicasaUploader – the simple PicasaWeb uploader tool. Changes:

  • Add support for uploading videos.
    • Supported files are: .avi, .mpeg, .mpg, .wmv, .3gp, .asf, .mp4, .mov. However PicasaWeb can still reject any of those if it doesn’t like it. Note also that videos won’t be playable in the album immediately because they have to be postprocessed by PicasaWeb.
  • File size limits: 20MB for photo files and 100MB for video files.

Get it here.

Video Upload

Video Upload

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Ivan Zlatev



Ivan's Space

Writing about leadership, management, emotional resiliency, software engineering, tech, gadgets.

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